We are 100% volunteer, and offer our services free of charge. We rely on donations to fund our training and services. Please consider making a donation today.

Illinois-Wisconsin Search & Rescue Dogs is a 501c(3) all-volunteer search organization (EIN# 36-3702441) that has helped police and fire departments find lost and missing people for over 37 years and more than 900 call-outs. We never charge for our services. 

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  • Law Enforcement: Call 815-338-2144 Ask for ILLWIS by name
  • PO Box 96
  • Woodstock IL 60098

Illinois-Wisconsin Search & Rescue Dogs is a 501c(3) all-volunteer search organization (EIN# 36-3702441) that has helped police and fire departments find lost and missing people for over 38 years and more than 950 call-outs. We never charge for our services.